Hi..peoples...Fai was here finally..had promise Shell(Bei Er) at July after penang trip will open blog n share..until now..haha...cz today is my offday after lastnight midnight work fr 10pm-9am..lolz.n kena complaine by few sohai keep ask me upload latest new..haha..alrite..im here ady lo..dun nag le lah...HAM KA CHAN ! XD
I din disappear at all my dear frenz..i jz bz with my work..n i need rest..to start a new journey of my life..life witout u all i feel v lonely too =( i miss all my frenz..Damien shit lie some of u im bek to seremban ady..haha..he is the liar la..lolz..i jz went penang..ppl that knw me well will knw my destination of my life in next wont is Seremban but is another S=Sg XD cz tts my parent 's order ..but v luckly is..i had skip the fate again..cz i got lots thing haven put down n settle..but too bad..my sister had leave me to SG ady...god damn sad..i spend mre time wf her at night chatting..n tts is the 1st time i wil sms my sis told her i miss her =( im not kinda bro tt wil say out all the shit thing..but actually.i knw i love my sis much !she cried in front of me said she dun wish to go..n i had try to argue wf my mum to fight the chance to let her stay in KL for one more years..but our discusiion failed...n oso is the 1st time my sis beg me to go sg wf her 2gt..n she sad : Goh~go 2gt la..=( ...the sad icon make red eye sudd..cz we 2 owez is argue n scrull each other more than say ths Yuk Mah word de..cz i knw she v sayag me..so i owez bully her de..but now...no more ppl will let me bully jor..no ppl wil acc dinner at night..no ppl wil help me do this n that jor...no ppl will show that dark face to me jor...no ppl wil come n nag me drink mre water n tk gd care of my healthy jor..no ppl can cook homemade dish 2gt wf me jor...diu...im sad...in this August...=( but i will add oil..cz i will visit her v soon....San..good luck...
About my working....im try to do more hardworking ...i got lot thing to do...i got more dream to chase...i wana get my car as fast...i wana clear all the fucking shit debt as fast(u all knw why de la )..i wana go Sg do research as soon !! i wna bek to melacca n penang more often !!i wana go Bangkok at next year!!tts my dream !!that i had promise to someone ! even i duno the dream in the end wil be come wat...but i can back pack...will finsih the dream that we wana chase together...plus oso..yea~DragonGun Ken !our Tokyo aim target !!let fight for it =)
ohhyaa....Congrat to Chua JACson n Boiz....win in the Aloha dance comp..wohoho..damn proud of u all...TT ppl si bek Chio~ops..plus leon oso~:P long time nvr see dance comp jor..damn excited...when break time..me join into dancer fllor sumore..walao..long time din dance at club..damn no feel..sien..but bcz got one bugimak..keep critic our ppl..see his face oso du lan..dun fuck him la...battle 1st...really Yong Sui him >< !Mr.Chua...thz for ur dinner wei^^ its yummy~n again...Very hapee birthday to you~n all de August babies~ =) i had paint my wall at last few night~few of them come n visit me...n help me decorate my wall b4 i start work..in the end..thz 4 the art~i had to cover the wall from 2am until 6am >< ..but its fun~:P very long time din view the others ppl geh blog jor...today read alot...n see alot negative posting... wana be like that meh?=.= u got ur point she got her own point..all like to guess n say alot then say in front of face lo..y wan kesi kesi write on blog woo...not dare to say jiu telan urslf lo..i had no right to say much..my mission had complete..i had done wat i need to do..as someone say..no matter wat way i use..u like or unlike..the main purpose i wana pass the message or info had reach u n others..is more thn enough ady..i dun need thz from u all or appreaciate fr anyone..for the one had misunderstanding my purpose..watever..u dun need me dont mean i have to beg u und me as well..i can be myslf...cz i knw im doin the right thing to help TT Family..因为愤怒会换来力量。。those who dare to speak abt another bad thing..pls confirm r u r doin the righ thing as well b4 u voice out..if not.u r the one who let others tease on u...recently alot ppl tag to each other like big family..haha..got how many ppl is really see the pic will smile n will check the name list did he or she appear there?lolz..i duno..ask urslf XD Whn the time u choose to leave..will u miss the others u call sista brotha at previous time?if u do..y need the negative thinking?dont u think its extra n s2pid ? =P haih....TT family not only got sohai..but got love as well..y lie to urslf woo..smtime even du lan wat oso cnt rmb stil wan koyak the face?many extra energy n time meh??use the time to complete ur stdy n smile more betta la...凡事不要太肯定。。很多事都是未知数。。 Dance suppose is a very hapee stuff...we din belong to any studio or company cz coll hall this place is belong to us n this dance land is our heaven n had no rules bside happiness..bcz there dun ahve those gossip topic like other studio wana fight who r more awesome or who are more popular n more higher reputation...no big head,no small circle~no 38 gang~..u all come for dance...y need so complicated..i wish everyone will learn how to appreaciate each others more n more....think back...how u n the the one get to knw each others..the fate already can cover all the misunderstanding tt among all ths time bah..money earn jor burn ady bcm gone..fate ur two knw each others...can u dont admit it ?keke,,,, herm...abt my relationship...alot 38 dun even knw i had end wf Z...omg..even im small potato..oso pls kepoh from otherss la..aiyo...n thz..i already be fine..keke...thz 4 the concern all of you ^^ n some of u v curious..tts alot preety appear in my life this few month..but no ppl can sure who is the right one?dun worry..i did meet the good one...but so far...who is my gf i oso duno yet....cz i wont get gf so fast yet....i got more important thing to do bside cari my gf..lolz....abuden like this la..u all guys vote la this 5 gals....see who is the winner :P wahaha...
I din disappear at all my dear frenz..i jz bz with my work..n i need rest..to start a new journey of my life..life witout u all i feel v lonely too =( i miss all my frenz..Damien shit lie some of u im bek to seremban ady..haha..he is the liar la..lolz..i jz went penang..ppl that knw me well will knw my destination of my life in next wont is Seremban but is another S=Sg XD cz tts my parent 's order ..but v luckly is..i had skip the fate again..cz i got lots thing haven put down n settle..but too bad..my sister had leave me to SG ady...god damn sad..i spend mre time wf her at night chatting..n tts is the 1st time i wil sms my sis told her i miss her =( im not kinda bro tt wil say out all the shit thing..but actually.i knw i love my sis much !she cried in front of me said she dun wish to go..n i had try to argue wf my mum to fight the chance to let her stay in KL for one more years..but our discusiion failed...n oso is the 1st time my sis beg me to go sg wf her 2gt..n she sad : Goh~go 2gt la..=( ...the sad icon make red eye sudd..cz we 2 owez is argue n scrull each other more than say ths Yuk Mah word de..cz i knw she v sayag me..so i owez bully her de..but now...no more ppl will let me bully jor..no ppl wil acc dinner at night..no ppl wil help me do this n that jor...no ppl will show that dark face to me jor...no ppl wil come n nag me drink mre water n tk gd care of my healthy jor..no ppl can cook homemade dish 2gt wf me jor...diu...im sad...in this August...=( but i will add oil..cz i will visit her v soon....San..good luck...
About my working....im try to do more hardworking ...i got lot thing to do...i got more dream to chase...i wana get my car as fast...i wana clear all the fucking shit debt as fast(u all knw why de la )..i wana go Sg do research as soon !! i wna bek to melacca n penang more often !!i wana go Bangkok at next year!!tts my dream !!that i had promise to someone ! even i duno the dream in the end wil be come wat...but i can back pack...will finsih the dream that we wana chase together...plus oso..yea~DragonGun Ken !our Tokyo aim target !!let fight for it =)
ohhyaa....Congrat to Chua JACson n Boiz....win in the Aloha dance comp..wohoho..damn proud of u all...TT ppl si bek Chio~ops..plus leon oso~:P long time nvr see dance comp jor..damn excited...when break time..me join into dancer fllor sumore..walao..long time din dance at club..damn no feel..sien..but bcz got one bugimak..keep critic our ppl..see his face oso du lan..dun fuck him la...battle 1st...really Yong Sui him >< !Mr.Chua...thz for ur dinner wei^^ its yummy~n again...Very hapee birthday to you~n all de August babies~ =) i had paint my wall at last few night~few of them come n visit me...n help me decorate my wall b4 i start work..in the end..thz 4 the art~i had to cover the wall from 2am until 6am >< ..but its fun~:P very long time din view the others ppl geh blog jor...today read alot...n see alot negative posting... wana be like that meh?=.= u got ur point she got her own point..all like to guess n say alot then say in front of face lo..y wan kesi kesi write on blog woo...not dare to say jiu telan urslf lo..i had no right to say much..my mission had complete..i had done wat i need to do..as someone say..no matter wat way i use..u like or unlike..the main purpose i wana pass the message or info had reach u n others..is more thn enough ady..i dun need thz from u all or appreaciate fr anyone..for the one had misunderstanding my purpose..watever..u dun need me dont mean i have to beg u und me as well..i can be myslf...cz i knw im doin the right thing to help TT Family..因为愤怒会换来力量。。those who dare to speak abt another bad thing..pls confirm r u r doin the righ thing as well b4 u voice out..if not.u r the one who let others tease on u...recently alot ppl tag to each other like big family..haha..got how many ppl is really see the pic will smile n will check the name list did he or she appear there?lolz..i duno..ask urslf XD Whn the time u choose to leave..will u miss the others u call sista brotha at previous time?if u do..y need the negative thinking?dont u think its extra n s2pid ? =P haih....TT family not only got sohai..but got love as well..y lie to urslf woo..smtime even du lan wat oso cnt rmb stil wan koyak the face?many extra energy n time meh??use the time to complete ur stdy n smile more betta la...凡事不要太肯定。。很多事都是未知数。。 Dance suppose is a very hapee stuff...we din belong to any studio or company cz coll hall this place is belong to us n this dance land is our heaven n had no rules bside happiness..bcz there dun ahve those gossip topic like other studio wana fight who r more awesome or who are more popular n more higher reputation...no big head,no small circle~no 38 gang~..u all come for dance...y need so complicated..i wish everyone will learn how to appreaciate each others more n more....think back...how u n the the one get to knw each others..the fate already can cover all the misunderstanding tt among all ths time bah..money earn jor burn ady bcm gone..fate ur two knw each others...can u dont admit it ?keke,,,, herm...abt my relationship...alot 38 dun even knw i had end wf Z...omg..even im small potato..oso pls kepoh from otherss la..aiyo...n thz..i already be fine..keke...thz 4 the concern all of you ^^ n some of u v curious..tts alot preety appear in my life this few month..but no ppl can sure who is the right one?dun worry..i did meet the good one...but so far...who is my gf i oso duno yet....cz i wont get gf so fast yet....i got more important thing to do bside cari my gf..lolz....abuden like this la..u all guys vote la this 5 gals....see who is the winner :P wahaha...